Monday, June 7, 2010

Twain Harte Road Trip - Day 11 - Linda Goes to the Bellagio in Las Vegas


Just kidding! It's a wonderful cross section of the world here in Las Vegas. Apparently the economy is thriving all over the world judging by the number and variety of ethnicities present in this desert. Where do they get all the water to make ice and run fountains that shoot 275 feet into the air? Amazing to this little country girl. But then, we didn't see anybody from Greece or Ireland.

The 2 old buzzards went to the buffet breakfast here at the Mardi Gras Best Western and it was OK once we figured out how to get plates and silverware. When we walked in we seemed to be the only ones who didn't understand the system. Linda was happy once she found some granola and was lucky enough to put some milk on it before Bessie ran dry. John enjoyed some eggs and peaches. We were seated at a table of a veddy English family - young parents with 2 young children, another one on the way and a set of grandparents. Linda was amazed that the 3 year seemed to be in control of everyone. He did not raise a spoon or a fork to feed himself. The young parents begged him to eat his fruity loops and he would occasionally oblige them and open his mouth like a baby bird. So different than what we are used to observing with Isaac (our almost 3 year old grandson) who has been using a spoon and fork to eat with for many months.

This afternoon John dropped Linda off at the Bellagio so that she could see The Conservatory and The Dancing Waters. When John dropped her off at about 12:30 pm it was 104 degrees. Linda was armed with a frozen bottle of water, her camera and a granola bar. She had a grand time taking photos of giant ants, butterflies, bumblebees, plants, a garden trowel and real plants. One group of about 10 people asked her to take photos of them with 2 cameras. Then they took a photo of her and also wanted to include themselves in a photo so it would look like she really did have some friends. Look for Linda's New Best Friends and some shots of the Bellagio Conservatory in the photo gallery. Linda shopped a teeny bit, watched people, walked through the casino and then cued up outside to watch the dancing waters show at 3 pm. She can take short videos on her regular camera so you will have a chance to see it too. Then she went on a moving sidewalk, some escalators and back to the Bellagio where the dancing waters was starting up again. "Oh, good" she thought. "I will just watch this one. However, she quickly realized that the water was dancing to one of John's favorite composers so she fired up the movie feature on her camera again. (John adds... that would be Aaron Copeland).

By the time show #2 was over Linda was ready for a ride back to the Mardi Gras Best Western. She called John on his cell phone and he came to fetch her. This was soon accomplished since the traffic had decreased considerably since midday. The temperature was still about 104 degrees and Linda's frozen water bottle had saved the day. She finished the last of the cold water on the way back to the Mardi Gras Best Western.

John had a great idea for dinner – IHOP – and not on the Las Vegas Strip. We drove to where the “real” people live which was a refreshing change from all the glitz. There was Einstein Brothers Bagels, Perpetual Chiropractic, Pizza Boy, Store-It Mini Warehouse, Pet Grooming, Teeth Whitening, Super Pawn and Half-Price Lawyers (Vegas, after all). Once we entered IHOP we could have been in Anywhere, USA. John had chicken fried steak and Linda had talapia. Both selections were quite tasty. On the ride home the temperature had dropped to only 100 degrees. And, once back inside our room, it was closer to 58 degrees.

Linda is thankful for her new pink broad-brimmed sun hat, Brazil nuts and moisturizing lotion. John is thankful for a cool place to stay in during the day and to sleep at night. John is thankful that he doesn't live in Las Vegas. And, John is thankful for chilled Snickers bars.

Today's photo gallery can be viewed by clicking here.

Today's video, taken with Linda's digital point-and-shoot camera can be viewed by clicking here. John says it's really quite good.

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